Sunday, August 1, 2010

Week 6: Governance & Advocacy continued

Just a short recap on the rest of the week:


Intern day in the city!!

-Lunch with Paul Osaki, Executive Director of JCCCNC

-Went over to Nancy Pelosi’s Office and talked with Harriet Ishimoto, Congressional Staffer

-Met with Masao’s dad, Dean Ito Taylor, Executive Director of API Legal Outreach (seems like they do what the Asian Law Alliance does here in San Jose)


-We had the opportunity to sit in on Herb Ohta Jr.’s ‘ukulele concert that he performed for Yu Ai-Kai.

-He is an amazing musician with a great sense of humor, putting up with all the “aunties” requests. He even stayed after to take pictures and sign CDs that were being sold.

It’s people like Herb, who play these concerts for the seniors, free of charge, that we need in the community. Hopefully he’ll be able to come back and perform again soon.

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